A body with gossamer skin stands out against a black backdrop, echoing the dark landscapes of an uncharted forest. The artist summons nature’s mysterious powers as a remedy for the invisible ills of our lives.
The viewer crosses these Nordic landscapes like a lost traveller, branches snapping under his or her feet with pale lights, ghosts or good spirits dancing in the air.
Is this body which seems to be struggling to ward off an unknown evil suffering from sadness, pain or melancholy? Little by little, the perception changes, seeing what the eyes would have been unable to distinguish a moment before. The glints of light amongst the shadows of the tree show a path towards another world.
The body leaves this existence, to slip into another dimension, the door to which is at the very heart of these landscapes. A stag’s antlers held in strong hands becomes a talisman for this initiating rite towards new self-knowledge.
France Dubois captures these moments where the barrier between the physical and spiritual world are removed, inviting the viewer to a mysterious and regenerating ceremony. She uses the vulnerability of our bodies to evoke the huge force for introspection and artistic creation.
Text from Marie Lemeland